Agency: Ogilvy GmbH
Product: German Rail
Client: Deutsche Bahn (German Rail)
Title: „No need to fly – Around the world in Germany“
Creative Chairman/Ogilvy: Dr. St. Vogel
Chief Creative Officer/Ogilvy: B. Bremer
Executive Creative Director, Copywriter/Ogilvy: P. Roemmelt
Art Director, Copywriter, Graphic design/Ogilvy: S. Horwedel
Advertiser’s Supervisor/German Rail: A. Neubauer
Advertiser’s Supervisor/German Rail: O. Schmidt, Dr. Th. Kemper
Advertiser’s Supervisor/German Rail: M. Faelsch, M. von Schleyer
Advertiser’s Supervisor/German Rail: F. Schroeder, J. Straub
Contextual Video Plattform/Spirable: M. Regulez, P. Brown
Account Management/Ogilvy: R. Stauber, F. Bader
Art Buyer/Ogilvy: M. Bulle
Art Director/Ogilvy: H. Frey, A. Tagg
Copywriter/Ogilvy: F. Pinheiro, H. Schupp
Photo: Getty Images International
Graphic design/Ogilvy: I. Babkovich, K. Dunayevska
Graphic design/Ogilvy: L. Theismann
Director Creative Services/Ogilvy: A. Pfaff